We Add Value to Your Milk..
Our innovations will turn into passion and you will grow with our assurance!
Who Are We?
Peymak started its production activities in 2002 with a portfolio of products for the collection, transportation and cooling of milk in the dairy industry.
Our Mission
Peymak started its production activities in 2002 with a portfolio of products for the collection, transportation and cooling of milk in the dairy industry.
Our Vision
Our aim is to be one of the leading companies in the world with our innovative, quality and customer-oriented service approach. Our company aims to carry its respected brand forward by offering high service standards to its customers.
Brand Value
Integrity: We build honest and fair relationships with our customers, earning their trust and respect while adhering to our commitments. Accountability: High performance expectations, a driven purpose and responsibility to sustain success in our business as individuals, team members and as a company. we act with emotion. Quality: We are committed to providing high quality services and products to meet the needs of our customers. With the continuous improvement of our business processes and quality control management, we never compromise on quality as a company.
Some Statistics from Peymak
What is Cold Chain?
Cold chain refers to all the cold storage, cold transportation and similar processes that must be applied in order to preserve its own properties at every stage from production to consumption of the foodstuffs needed.
Cold Chain in Milk Processing?
Milk is the raw material for many products produced from it. Therefore, the initial bacterial load in unprocessed raw milk is very important. Many bacterial loads are very important in milk microflora.
Where can I get product maintenance and support?
You can get product maintenance with the help of many of our dealers and you can get maintenance and support from us.